Dreams seldom come true! But my dream of the noble institution for a noble deed, to treat the pain and agony of the people, has become a reality. The sprawling acres of land with its boasting buildings and crescentic enormity have the story of the steady toil and perseverance engraved on them. The gateway to success was preceded by a path full of many pitfalls and setbacks, but we rose through it all. The creditor the heights explored by the institution is attributed to the teamwork of all the dedicated members of what we call as “the SDC family”.
In the viable world where technology is the source of revenue at the global edge, we have aimed at instigating the professional and personal behaviour of students for the service of others.
An enhancing effort to enclose curricular and extracurricular activities of students for general personality, maturity and extension of academic values is undertaken proficiently. The spirit to grow with each other and not over each other is what’s making us flourish. Kaleidoscopic years of diligence have to lead to materialize the theme to the reality of making our college amongst the decipherable institute of the nation. I wish this college to be a torchbearer and to make the world tread a path enlightened by the knowledge of sciences and humanities and now at this echelon, we can visualize that the welkin is not far above.
Mrs. Madhu Mathur
BSM College of Nursing